Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Peach Smoothie

So. It's been a little while. This isn't because I am ignoring my diet. This IS because the next smoothie in the book was an impossible one to find the ingredients for.

In their infinite wisdom, the Weird Sisters decided that the third smoothie should be "Passion!" Which is to say: a passion fruit smoothie. Which is to say: impossible to find the ingredients for.

The ladies call for both passion fruit nectar or juice, as well as passion fruit sorbet. As it turns out, these ingredients are not only just hard to come by, but I would say impossible. That is to say, I went to grocery after grocery -- ghetto, gelsons, you name it -- and nothing. You can find mango sorbet. Blood orange, sure. But passion fruit? No no no.

Here is the odd thing: We actually have a passion fruit vine in our yard. I know this because Josh posted a picture of this weirdo creepy alien flower that grows on this vine every year on our nasty chain link fence between us and our neighbors. We had no idea what it was, but thanks to the interwebs, seconds later we knew it was the passion flower from the passion fruit vine. Which would explain the weirdo sad orange teardrop shaped looking things that erupt on the vine after the flowers.

Audrey III

However, as A. It's January and the vine isn't blooming or fruiting, B. I wouldn't know how to convert the fruit into the juice and/or sorbet it calls for, and most importantly C. I may be the only person in the world who just so happens to have a passion fruit vine growing on her fence (save for my neighbors on the other side of the fence), where do the Weird Sisters expect people to get this passion fruit and/or passion fruit flavored ingredients?

At this point, I am suspecting Whole Foods might be the answer, but that isn't close by. So, I decided peach would have to be a decent substitute. After all, I like peach.

So. I got peach nectar and peach sorbet in lieu of the passion fruit and went for it. The result? Well, let's just say I forgot to freeze the pineapple required, which may or may not have tanked the whole operation. On the flavor front, the smoothie was tasty as can be. On the texture front, however, it was a massive fail. I kept pulling pulpy strands of pineapple like errant disturbing hairs from my mouth with every gulp. The flavor was good enough that I'm going to hope that freezing the pineapple is the trick to it, so I'll give it another go. But if not, then my proclamation is passion or peach, this one is a dud.

To be determined


3/4 cup plain kefir (what?) or plain low-fat yogurt (yes)
1/2 cup peach nectar (yes) or juice (no)
1 1/2 cups fresh diced pineapple, frozen (whoops. try again next time).
3/4 cup peach sorbet

Pour the yogurt & nectar into a blender. Add the pineapple and sorbet. Blend until smooth.

Serves: 2

Rough calorie estimate: 227/serving


  1. Are you Donna Marie Stengel's daughter?

  2. I just stumbled across this post. Hilarious! I love a good kitchen adventure, whether the results are deemed brilliant successes, epic failures, or simply meh. Keep it up!

  3. hey, if you really want to make excellent smoothies and soups etc. by a Vita mix. I bought one recently and they are killer. I typically hate the big sales pitch from people, but I bought mine online and I really fell in love with it. Love your website and appreciate the smoothie recipes.

  4. Yeah, I've def heard good things about VitaMixes. They're certainly a possibility. Glad you like the blog!

  5. Hey, what's with the title? I mean, great blog, I just don't understand the title. Inside joke, or just being ironical?

  6. Beej, the blog started with me cooking my way through a recipe book including a lot of things I wasn't excited about eating (you can go back to the beginning of the blog entries to read all about it). Hence, Things I Don't Want to Eat.
